'How To Lie With Statistics'
Accreditation & Discipline
COVID-19 Sequelae Can Linger for Weeks
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Nexus and IMO Letters
COVID-19 'long-haulers' report nearly 100
symptoms for more than 100 days
"How long does it take you to get back to normal? That's an open question," Dr. Anthony Fauci told NBC News.
What You Should Know about Disability and Debt
There Are Protections...When it comes to debt collection, disability income enjoys special status.
Just the FAQs - Divorce & the Disabled Veteran
Under Development
Just Do It Yourself!
Welcome to the KnowVA Knowledge Base
Locate information more quickly and efficiently
Web Automated Reference Material System
Compensation and Pension Materials
How To Get Urgent Care For Free
You are authorized urgent care but you must be prepared!
How Divorce, Alimony, and Child Support
Affect Veterans' VA Benefits
VA benefits can be garnished only for spousal or child support,
and only under certain conditions.
How to file a VA disability claim
Find out how to file a claim for disability compensation
or increased disability compensation.
Types of VA disability claims and when to file
Find out when you can first file a claim for service-connected benefits—and what to do if you want
to request more benefits or have new evidence to
support a claim we denied in the past.
Will I still get a stimulus check?
Welcome Home
We're glad you're here
Stay a while, won't you?
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
How do you win your claim or appeal? The facts speak for themselves!!!
BVA Annual Report 2018 Board Dispositions By Representation Page 31
Appeals Allowed/Awarded By Attorney 44.61%
By Agent 38.79% By State Service Officer 35.17% By AL 34.53% By DAV 33.70%
This isn't the complete list, you need to
click here to see that.
Your chances of winning an appeal are
better if you are represented by an
accredited veterans law attorney.
Download VA benefit letters
To receive some benefits, Veterans need a letter
proving their status.
Jim Strickland
If you are active duty and struck
with COVID- 19
and you have lingering symptoms you'll need to start rethinking your future.
What happens if Covid-19 symptoms don’t go away? Doctors are trying to figure it out.
Medical Marijuana Card
Tell the doctor you saw it on VAWatchdog
and ask about 旋风加速器的官网在哪里!
Title 38 - Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief
Volume: 1Date: 2019-07-01Original
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Hundreds camp out in Oklahoma unemployment lines
VA Health Care Public Health Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
What you should know
VA is working closely with The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal partners, monitoring an outbreak of Novel Coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
Primary COVID-19 transmission is by close
nasopharyngeal swab-based testing
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Do You Need
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You are already authorized
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Guidance for VA home loan borrowers
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CDC: One-third of COVID-19 patients who aren't hospitalized have long-term illness
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lingered for months called the report "monumental."
Owe VA Money???
Did you know that hearing loss and tinnitus are the
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health problems like depression and loneliness?
Everything You Need to Know About the
Coronavirus Vaccine Race
Here are your answers to the questions that matter the most about COVID-19 vaccines in development
Department of Veterans Affairs
Inadequate Emergency Department Care and Physician Misconduct at the Washington DC VA Medical Center
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Just who do you think
you are?
Stats about veterans.
Percent of U.S. adult population who are veterans in 2017, by state
Employment Data for Veterans With Disabilities
Employment Situation of Veterans Summary
Immigrant Veterans in the United States
Demographics of the U.S. Military
Veterans and Military Documents
Military Programs and Benefits
American War and Military Operations
Casualties: Lists and Statistics
Tinnitus and hearing loss among
Veteran Social Security Beneficiaries旋风加速器安卓下载安装
Veteran-Owned Businesses and Their Owners
48 Interesting U.S. Military Facts
The American Veteran Experience and the Post-9/11 Generation
National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics - Quick Facts
Global Firepower - 2019 World Military Strength Rankings
PAPER Evidence Records
and Claims All Go Here
V A Claims Intake Center
PO BOX 4444
53547- 4444
Toll Free Fax:
Submit a waiver or compromise request here
Who is eligible to get a coronavirus stimulus check?
If you owe child support, you might not get one
Brett Valette, Ph.D.
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Some Wounds Can't Be Seen Contact Us Today
You've Arrived at the VAWatchdog Dot Org!
Welcome Home
We've been keeping veterans informed of news and events important to them since 2005.
You'll find all you need to file your claim and referrals to professionals who can help you when things don't go well.
What you won't find here is unending chat or opinions from strangers who like to think of themselves as experts.
Our goal is to ensure that you are awarded the benefits you earned with your service to our country.
We're here to help you take charge of your benefits, and that is all.
How can I get an extra schedular rating?
To receive an extra schedular rating the veteran
must first show that the veteran’s
conditions result in a disability picture
that is not covered by the schedule of ratings.
Veterans wrongly denied benefits
Internal VA records reveal approximately
20,000 benefits claims may have been improperly
denied during the COVID-19 pandemic.
安卓加速器C&P Service Clinician’s Guide
Scheduled For A C & P??? Filing A Claim?
This is a must read for you!!!
I've been posting this again and again over the years and it's still one of the best ways
Published in 2002 the principles and much of the
verbiage still applies and is in daily use at the VA.
Combine these principles
旋风加速器安卓下载安装an IMO and you win.
VA Urgent Care Pharmacy Locations
Find VA-approved urgent care/retail location
pharmacies near a specific
address or ZIP code, or search by VA Facility.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers Improvements and Amendments
Under the VA MISSION Act of 2018.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) adopts
as final, with changes, a proposed rule to revise its regulations that govern VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC).
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Robert Wilkie <robert.wilkie@va.gov> 855-948-2311
How Do You Apply For Social Security Disability Benefits?
Information on social security disability benefits
Military Records DD 214
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Urgent Care Centers
One of the most important benefits you have today is
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print your papers and be prepared!