
We are the Computational Behavior Analysis (CBA) research lab at Georgia Institute of Technology.

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Morshed, Mehrab Bin and Saha, Koustuv and Li, Richard and D'Mello, Sidney K and De Choudhury, Munmun and Abowd, Gregory D and Ploetz, Thomas


Kwon, Hyeokhyen and Abowd, Gregory D and Ploetz, Thomas


Haresamudram, Harish and Anderson, David V and Ploetz, Thomas

Multi-target affect detection in the wild: an exploratory study

Schmidt, Philip and Durichen, Robert and Reiss, Attila and Van Laerhoven, Kristof and Ploetz, Thomas

Automated Detection of Infant Holding Using Wearable Sensing: Implications for Developmental Science and Intervention

Yao, XUEWEN and Ploetz, THOMAS and Johnson, MCKENSEY and Barbaro, K de

Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition in Mobile Computing

Thomas Ploetz, Yu Guan


Yu Guan, Thomas Ploetz


Our research is supported by grants from: