March 18, 2020
The department office is closed and staff will be working from home until further notice. Staff can be reached by email or their office phone numbers. For building issues, please contact Hannah Gluckstern,, 491-8682. For student issues, please contact Graduate Adviser Sarah Tisdale (, 491-8360) or Associate Department Head Professor Eric Maloney (, 491-3368). For human resources questions, please contact Heather Packard,, 491-8356. For travel and purchasing questions,…
July 31, 2020
Zachary Labe is a climate scientist with a knack for presenting his work accessibly. He maintains an influential blog of data visualizations regarding trends in Arctic and Antarctic climate, and is often consulted in media coverage of extreme climate events in those regions. Zack recently joined the Barnes group as a postdoctoral researcher in CSU’s Department of Atmospheric Science. Engineering Source caught up with him while he was still unpacking,…
July 21, 2020
The DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility has selected Jessie Creamean and Tom Hill as its designated experts to manage an expanded effort to collect and analyze samples of ice-nucleating particles. Creamean and Hill are both experts on these rare particles that are important to cloud formation. The two research scientists have the specialized skills necessary to measure INPs. ARM's decision was partly based on the pair's efficient, precise…
July 6, 2020
The American Geophysical Union has selected M.S. student Julieta Juncosa Calahorrano for the Paros Scholarship in Geophysical Instrumentation. Three students are chosen for this scholarship each year, to build a solid pool of talent working on geophysical instrumentation. Juncosa Calahorrano, advised by Associate Professor Emily Fischer, proposed three laboratory experiments to minimize the uncertainties in ambient measurements of total reactive nitrogen oxides (NOy) by separating the gas and particle phases.…
Increasing gender diversity has been a long-sought goal across many of the sciences, and interventions and programs to attract more women into fields like physics and math often happen at the undergraduate level. But is representation enough to improve gender diversity in science? In a new study, Colorado State University researchers, including Brittany Bloodhart and Emily Fischer, say there’s more to the story: They’ve found that even when undergraduate women…
June 26, 2020
A hot desert wind is carrying a massive cloud of Saharan dust into the southern United States this week. Dust plumes from the Sahara routinely blow westward across the Atlantic at this time of year, but this event is a doozy – by some measures, the biggest in decades. And a second plume appears to be forming about a week behind the big one. Across the southeastern U.S., from the…