
COVID-19 updates—In an effort to keep everyone healthy, UNT's on-campus operations are closed until further notice. We're serving students remotely. Please stay connected. Stay up to date on UNT’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or read information specifically for COS students.

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Become a scientific leader with us. Our 12 undergraduate and 14 graduate programs provide you with the necessary, high-demand skills and knowledge to succeed. We'll help you become the researchers and professionals you want to be. If you're considering the College of Science, learn more about how we'll help you succeed.


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Not sure where to start? Need help with your degree plan? Our advisors are just a phone call away.

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We've got scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as links to department scholarships.

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Looking for information on our faculty members? We've got links to each department's faculty and staff.

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We help students who want to enter the health care industry. Learn what majors to choose and what courses to take.



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Dr. D’Souza of UNT Chemistry Awarded CRSI Medal2020 UNT COS Advancement Board UpdatesUNT Alumna Dr. Tammy Chan Works to Find a CureChemistry PhD Graduate Wins 2020 Toulouse Dissertation AwardUNT Chemists Develop Test to Identify Toxic Silver IonsMeet Dr. Erin Tate, UNT Alumna & Chair Elect of UNT Advancement BoardUNT's BioDiscovery Institute Researchers Unlock the Mysteries of the Jojoba Tree
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