The College of Letters & Science is home to the humanities, the natural, physical and biological sciences, and the social sciences at UW-Madison. UW’s “fearless sifting and winnowing” philosophy was born right here.

Update from Dean Wilcots


Read the full text of Dean Wilcots’ June 3, 2020 message to L&S students here.

Dean Wilcots's full message
Racism and Injustice

As individuals, we must all speak out and act against racism and injustice, acknowledge our biases and prejudices and work actively to counter them. As a community, we must work to ensure that all of us are safe, welcomed and included.

Full message from Dean Wilcots


The Latest
Eric Wilcots Suit 900 X 426


Eric Wilcots has been selected as the next dean of the College of Letters & Science, the largest academic unit at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

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Election Integrity Project 900X426


Backed by funding from Craig Newark Philanthropies, the project will support resource kits on election integrity and investigative reporting on elections in Wisconsin.

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Uw Social Work 900X426


Joel Berman's transformational gift boosts social work students, honors his beloved wife.

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Badgers On Track 900X426


Badgers on Track offers online resources, workshops and networking opportunities. 

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The job market’s in flux, but your career plans can adapt.

Check out Badgers on Track, a major new summer initiative to help current UW-Madison students and recent graduates move forward with career development in this challenging time.

SuccessWorks: Badgers on Track


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