- GSPP Welcomes 3 New Faculty
The Goldman School of Public Policy announces the appoi… - 7 Emerging Themes in Digital Government
What's working and what's not in digital government - We must not relent
Jesús Guzmán (MPP '18) comments on SCOTUS' DACA decision - Black Lives Matter Teach-In
Goldman School students Kari Malkki, Asha DuMonthi… - Minneapolis, Our Nation, and Our Community
A message from Dean Brady to the GSPP community.
- 库克会莫迪 苹果力攻印度市场-千龙网·中国首都网:2021-5-23 · 库克还提及苹果公司在印度班加罗尔建立“iOS应用设计与开发加速器”的设想。 苹果此举旨在支持和发展iOS应用开发者,该中心计划于2021年初建成。
- The World of Truth vs. The Kingdom of Lies
- 3299 元!全新 iPhone SE 来了,苹果:Android 用户快来买 ...:2021-4-16 · 第二代iPhoneSE,姗姗而来了。与四年前发布的第一代iPhoneSE相比,这款全新的iPhoneSE(行文方便,本文称之为iPhoneSE2)的国行售价小所不同,为3299元,贵出来11元人民币。但是,更值得注意的是,这款产品延续并放大了前代产品的特殊性,甚至比初代
- The Goldman Story