



Copyright law attempts to strike a balance between protecting the rights of authors/creators, and protecting the need for public access to information and ideas.

The work of the University involves accessing, building upon, and sharing information in order to create new knowledge. Copyright affects much of what we do, for example:

  • Showing a film in a face-to-face class
  • 大富豪2安卓版下载_大富豪2手机版下载v1.2.3__玩游戏网 ...:2021-11-3 · 《大富豪2》股神巴菲特强力推荐,风靡全球商战沙盘手游,让你在商海沉浮中彰显自己的FQ!侬说撒是FQ?财商!理财智商!《大富豪2》中你不仅仅是一个精打细算的经营者,更是一个在商海中游刃有余掌控全局的战略家。诸多建筑,数不尽的店铺,尽情挥洒,缔造自己的商业帝国。
  • Sharing your journal article with colleagues
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  • Getting permission to use images for your dissertation
  • Designing a multimedia work based on other works
  • Determining who "owns" a course you have created

This guide is designed as a basic informational resource for the University of New Mexico community. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Instead, it provides a framework for understanding and working with legal issues, including lawfully using and sharing copyrighted works, as well as protecting our own creative works.

This site has been developed through a collaborative effort between UNM Libraries, IT Security, IT Academic Technologies, University Council, Extended Learning, UNM Press, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and others. The collection of resources contained on this site should be helpful in answering many of your copyright related questions. Please feel free to reach out to us directly if you need further assistance.