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Skidmore College
Tang Online

Online: The Tang Teaching Museum is open online while the building is closed. We are expanding online exhibitions, community projects, and social media. Online Exhibitions:FLEX…

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Tang Online

Online: The Tang Teaching Museum is open online while the building is closed. We are expanding online exhibitions, community projects, and social media. Online Exhibitions:FLEX…

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Tang Online

Online: The Tang Teaching Museum is open online while the building is closed. We are expanding online exhibitions, community projects, and social media. Online Exhibitions:FLEX…

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Tang Online

Online: The Tang Teaching Museum is open online while the building is closed. We are expanding online exhibitions, community projects, and social media. Online Exhibitions:FLEX…

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Information & Resources
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Why Skidmore?
We're a dynamic community where Creative Thought Matters in every pursuit.
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Student Stories
Learn why Skidmore students choose to come here in their own words.
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Creative Thought Works
See how the liberal arts differentiate our alumni every day, in every field, around the world.
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We believe that every life is made more profound with creativity at its core.

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Find yourself here
借力京津 河北软件产业加速跑-国际在线 - CRI:2021-7-4 · 6月28日至30日,2021软博会在北京举行,河北省21家企业组团参展。图为河北展区。记者 米彦泽 摄 软件作为战略性、基础性、先导性产业,派生出了互联网、大数据、云计算、人工智能等,是创新发展的加速器,是推动经济社会高质量发展的重要保障
Welcome to a place thriving with individual expressions, and a unique setting where they all work together. With hundreds of student-run clubs, including dozens of sustainability, health, and wellness programs–you’re invited to explore your unexpected.
Create your difference
No matter what you’re meant to be, do, or inspire, Skidmore is the start of your path to a life of purpose. Here, you’ll find personalized, on-campus resources to explore what’s possible, define your vision, and jump-start your life’s work.
It's much more than "going green."

We’re completely committed to environmental action. From our own solar field and 29 buildings with geothermal heating and cooling, to student-run composting, gardens, and more–we’re doing it ourselves so our ecosystems, and those beyond them, can reap immediate benefits.

Skidmore Facts
Average First-year Skidmore Grant
Clubs and Organizations
Student-faculty ratio
Creative Thought Works
See how Skidmore alumni are putting creative thought to work in their fields, their passions and the world in which we live.
Derrick Yam
  • Derrick Yam
  • Emily Lazar
  • Jeremy Sigel
Don't be afraid of unconventional career paths. Just because most of your class, friends or family work in a certain industry does not mean you have to. Combining your interests is easier than you might think. If you work hard and put yourself out there, you'll meet the right people to help you along the way.
Derrick Yam ’17
Quantitative Analyst, Baltimore Ravens
Emily Lazar
  • Derrick Yam
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  • Jeremy Sigel
I don't like sitting around talking about gear or plug-ins. For me, mastering engineering is all about listening! It’s about making decisions and having confidence in the creative direction you’ve chosen. So be a good listener.
Emily Lazar ’93
President/Engineer, The Lodge Mastering
Jeremy Sigel
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  • Emily Lazar
  • Jeremy Sigel
The rules of the media industry are ever-changing. It's likely your future job does not exist yet. Embrace disruption and plan for flexibility in response to the unexpected. When making career decisions, think about your next jump. Put yourself in situations that lead to many alternative futures.
Jeremy Sigel ’99
Vice President, CBS Interactive