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Cambridge Public Policy SRI produces guides and reports to help researchers with the policy impact of their research.

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Researchers at the University of Cambridge involved in Public Policy related research are welcome to join the Cambridge Public Policy Strategic Research Initiative (SRI).

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Mar 12, 2019

寻味记——佛跳墙的典故 - 知乎:2021-8-11 · 佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全 ,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。相传,它是在清道光年间由福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出来的。佛跳墙富含营养,可促进发育,美容,延缓衰老,增强免疫力,乃进补佳品。制作这道…

Post-Brexit Options for the UK: New Legal Analysis


On 16 November 2018 the Cambridge Public Policy SRI (Strategic Research Initiative) and the CBR, the Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, held a conference at Peterhouse College in Cambridge on Brexit with the aim of encouraging interdisciplinary discussion amongst academics and further research on the implications of the UK leaving the EU for public policy.

Britain’s Broken Economic Model and Why Brexit isn’t the Cure

Nov 15, 2018

Simon Deakin, Director of the Centre for Business Research and Professor of Law at the University of Cambridge, tells the Cambridge Public Policy SRI (Strategic Research Initiative) why Brexit isn’t the cure for Britain’s broken economic model.


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We aim to support public policy research across Cambridge University, working with colleagues in science, social science, the arts and humanities, to apply new thinking to public policy problems and promote research and analysis into the public policy process. We hope to connect and raise the profile of existing public policy related work across the University and support collaborative research that includes policy development in a range of subject areas. 

Contact us if you are interested in joining the initiative or would like to know more.