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20-07-2020 Hits:327 Guardmount/News
2020 National Meeting Canceled
Dear AFSFA Members: The health and safety of our members, conference attendees, presenters, partners, and AFSFA staff is our highest priority. We have been closely monitoring the coronavirus impact and status throughout the United States and listening to you through the recent survey sent out to all AFSFA members. The AFSFA Board of Directors held a conference call on 15 July 2020 and after much review, dialogue, and following the guidance from ...Read moreSecurity Forces Airmen Enable Mission at…
15-07-2020 Hits:222 Guardmount/News
Security Forces Airmen Enable Mission at Travis
TSgt James Hodgman, 60th Air Mobility Wing, Public Affairs, 29 May 2020, Travis Tailwind
Editor’s note: This is the first of a three-part series on security forces at Travis AFB.
U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Cameron Otte U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Hannah Hoskins, 60th Security Forces Squadron entry controller, watches vehicles as they approach the main gate May 11 at Travis Air Force Base, Californi...
15-07-2020 Hits:298 Guardmount/News
Story by TSgt Nick Kibbey, 1st Combat Camera Squadron, 20 February 2020
The Air Force Reserve Command announces the 452nd Security Forces Squadron as the 2019 Security Forces Base Operations Support Unit of the Year on February 7, 2020.
The award acknowledges the exceptional accomplishments and performance of the squadron in providing safety and security to March Air Reserve Base and the local community over the past y...
Read more134 SFS Defenders Win at the Army’s Best…
15-07-2020 Hits:394 Guardmount/News
134 SFS Defenders Win at the Army’s Best Warrior Competition
“Defender Nation…please join me in congratulating these Defenders at McGhee Tyson ANG, TN from the 134 SFS! SSgt Cody Watson won 1st place and SSgt Kourtni Giles placed 4th overall at the Army’s Best Warrior Competition held in Tullahoma, TN 26-28 June! HUA!”
VR – Brig Gen Collins
...Read moreAir Force Awards Contract for Improved F…
25-06-2020 Hits:393 赛·风3安卓版官网
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By Daryl Mayer, AFLCMC Public Affairs, Published 17 June 2020
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio (AFLCMC) – The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Female Fitment Program Office has awarded a contract to begin production and development for body armor designed to better protect female Airmen during combat and contingency operations.
Finding uniform items and gear optimized for female Airmen is an Air Force ...
Read moreNext Security Forces Career Field Manage…
19-06-2020 Hits:1010 Guardmount/News
Next Security Forces Career Field Manager Named
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He will be a tremendo...
Read moreWe Stand Guard Together!
08-06-2020 Hits:475 Guardmount/News
We Stand Guard Together!
Defenders, the civil unrest in the media over the loss of George Floyd has left Americans concerned and outraged. We can all see the wrong in what took place. The pain America feels for him and his family is real.
As a society we have come so far…which makes it just that much more painful to watch what is unfolding in the news and social media. The reality of this situation makes us think about our role in respecting each other and doing w...
Read moreSecurity Forces Enterprise Plan
22-05-2020 Hits:1625 赛·风3安卓版官网
Security Forces Enterprise Plan
“The Security Forces Enterprise Plan is designed to focus on the Strategic Goals that are essential in making us More Lethal and More Ready, by prioritizing those things that are essential to our continued success.”
Brig Gen CollinsDirector Security Forces
Strategic Environment
Department of the Air Force Security Forces play a pivotal role in protecting and enabling our Nation’s Air and Space Combat Power and Strategic...
Read morePolice Week 2020: Ramstein Honors Fallen…
15-05-2020 Hits:1107 Guardmount/News
Police Week 2020: Ramstein Honors Fallen Law Enforcement
By TSgt Jocelyn A. Ford, 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs, 8 May 2020
A U.S. Air Force 86th Security Forces Squadron patrol car is parked prior to participating in a caravan of Kaiserslautern Military Community first responders at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, 7 May 2020. (U.S. Air Force photo by A1C Taylor D. Slater)
Though coronavirus disease 2019 is hindering activities tha...
Read moreAFSFA Commissions 35 Commemorative Sig S…
15-05-2020 Hits:2966 Guardmount/News
AFSFA Commissions 35 Commemorative Sig Sauer M18 Pistols
Between 1 June and 31 July 2020 any current AFSFA member may call in and place their name on a list for one of the military’s newest modular handguns … the Sig Sauer M18. These commemorative pistols will have the Security Forces shield outline engraved on the black plate just in front of the rear sight and bear our name, AIR FORCE SECURTY FORCES ASSOC, on the right side of the slide as pictured. The 9MM pistol is flat d...
赛风22020 National Meeting Canceled
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- Written by John W Probst
- Category: Guardmount/News
- Hits: 327
2020 National Meeting Canceled
Security Forces Enterprise Plan
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- Category: Guardmount/News
- Hits: 1625
Security Forces Enterprise Plan
“The Security Forces Enterprise Plan is designed to focus on the Strategic Goals that are essential in making us More Lethal and More Ready, by prioritizing those things that are essential to our continued success.”
Brig Gen Collins
Director Security Forces
Strategic Environment
Department of the Air Force Security Forces play a pivotal role in protecting and enabling our Nation’s Air and Space Combat Power and Strategic Nuclear Mission. Building the Security Forces that our Department needs to compete, deter and win across the five priority missions of the National Defense Strategy requires continuous evolution; to become more lethal and more ready and to exploit emerging technologies to complement our already highly trained and motivated workforce. This plan builds upon previous work carried out under the banners of the Security Forces Flight Plan and the Reconstitute Defender Initiative that sought to address shortfalls in manpower, equipment and training and is aligned with the Protect the Force enabling capability in the Air Force Basing and Logistics Flight Plan. At the heart of this new plan are four strategic goals that will institutionalize elite Defender 赛 风3 安卓手机版, make Defenders more proficient, continuously modernize equipment and standardize requirements to ensure that Security Forces Squadrons possess the resources and capabilities needed to fight and win.
Security Forces Mission
Deliver layered Integrated Base Defense across all Department of the Air Force installations to ensure mission accomplishment
Security Forces Vision
Organize, train, equip and arm our Defenders with technology, capabilities and policy to be the most lethal and ready force on the planet
Security Forces Shared Purpose
Work together as a career field, at all levels, to achieve the responsibilities outlined in the National Defense Strategy and Air Force Priorities
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Advancing the Training Continuum
By CMSgt Tamala L. Hartz
Happy New Year! As we begin the new decade and the year 2020 we are continuing to advance our career field’s civilian, enlisted and officer training continuum. These efforts will ensure we are creating a Defender that will win in every fight!
In the last two years we have transformed Security Forces Training from recruitment to retirement. We overhauled every skill-awarding course at the SF Academy and our Military Working Dog schoolhouse. We integrated officer and enlisted training to provide necessary touch points during learning and exercise events. We formed training gates that ensure all Defenders return to the mothership for training at critical points, to match the development of their knowledge, skills and abilities with increased responsibilities. We overhauled our Civilian Defender course at the VA Law Enforcement Training Center to align training with the academy and provide the POST certification. To facilitate teaching and coaching at every base, we fashioned a Leader-Led Trainer course that focuses on providing our noncommissioned officers with the abilities and expertise to deliver training on every operational flight. All of these previous efforts have set the stage for the continuing evolution of our training in the next year.
In 2020, the focus will be on taking Defenders from ‘Qualified’ to ‘Proficient’. This initiative will require continued focus on training time and exercising skills that will build confidence and competence. Proficiency must become what we value and work towards.
Our first step is defining what a proficient Defender looks like. What is a ‘Proficient Defender’? This is a Defender who accomplishes tasks with fluid instinctiveness and makes critical decisions with the confidence to know he/she will be successful. For example, one will identify a threat, pull their M9 Berretta from a drop holster, aim, pull the trigger and hit the intended target. This is accomplished fluidly, instinctively, and accurately. This proficiency will mature over years of training and experience resulting in smart, seasoned, and lethal Defenders who perform more like precision weapons than gravity bombs.
To begin the effort to become proficient lethal Defenders we must first modernize our home station training tools. It is essential to provide training guides and lesson plans that will arm Leader-Led Trainers and supervisors with relevant, up-to-date and accurate curricula to facilitate learning. We have reached out across the Air Force and created teams of experts to accomplish this cumbersome task. This subject-centered curriculum will provide the needed subject matter expertise to take a Defender from qualified to proficient.
With an understanding of what proficiency is and the tools to accomplish it, the last focus area is who will get us there. The answer, as it is so many times, will be our noncommissioned officers. Proficiency will be achieved through a cascade effect as our Staff Sergeants and Technical Sergeants on our operational flights learn to coach and educate, achieving higher levels of proficiency for themselves and their Defenders. Through the act of preparing for and educating others, a trainer becomes intimately familiar with the task, so much so that after the training they are also capable of executing the task to a higher proficiency level. Additionally when our flight leaders are evaluating the flight accomplishing multiple tasks during an exercise or actual event, their advanced or superior proficiency level enables them to identify the areas in which each Defender needs either additional training or more exposure to the task to increase proficiency levels.
As you can see there is a lot of work to be done, but we have the right people in the right place to ensure we create proficient, lethal Defenders who can win any fight! This is just one focus area we are getting after this year. I look forward to watching our career field mature and continuing to grow over the next 12-months. As always, thank you for what you do for our country, our Air Force, and our career field.
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- Category: Guardmount/News
- Hits: 4657
CSAF Charts Air Force Defender Way Forward in the Year of Integrate Base Defense
By Alex Delgado, 502 ABW Public Affairs / Published October 02, 2019
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein addresses Security Forces Defenders, past and present, at the 33rd Air Force Security Forces Association national meeting banquet in San Antonio 28 Sept 2019, in San Antonio, Texas.
Joint Base San Antonio, Texas - Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein discussed the Air Force’s transition from Year of the Defender to Year of Integrated Base Defense, focusing on how elite Defenders fit into a layered defensive network, in a speech at the 33rd National Meeting of the Air Force Security Forces Association in San Antonio Sept. 28.
Goldfein began by speaking about the beret worn by Air Force Defenders. “That beret represents those who are the best in the world at integrated base defense,” he said. “Elite Defenders…wearers of that beret guard our nation’s treasures and it is our sacred duty to protect them.”
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But it was a serious security incident at Royal Air Field Mildenhall, England, where an individual was able to drive onto the flight line and ram into an aircraft before he was apprehended, that got the program moving.
“A challenge was turned into an opportunity,” said Goldfein. “We took a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror and determined that we had gone for way too many years without investing in our elite Defenders as a foundation of who we are as a globally engaged service.”
“So we re-focused on proficiency and small unit tactics,” he added. “We increased our investment in our Defenders with $180 million in new equipment just last year.”
RDI encompassed new training, new tactics, techniques and procedures, and a renewed expeditionary focus.
“We’ve made great progress, but we have miles to go,” said Goldfein. “And I will commit to you that we are not going to take our foot off the gas.”
Goldfein referenced the annual Wing Commander Conference he recently hosted, where he engaged with 280 warriors for two days talking about the business of warfighting and leadership.
There, Goldfein shared his vision where an Alpha Warrior Operational (physical) fitness program will be directly associated with the tough business of base defense, along with daily weapons marksmanship training. “I’m not talking about once or twice a year,” he said. “I’m talking about every day, because confidence in our primary weapons comes from repetition.”
Goldfein went on to say that building state of the art ranges at each base would be unattainable, but that there may be answers in being creative and expeditionary at home.
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“We have got to get creative to get our Defenders more trigger time and work on proficiency and competence with their weapons,” said Goldfein. “And I don’t want you to wait for me to move out on this; as I told the wing commanders; I trust you, go long, I’ve got your back.”
Goldfein went on to emphasize the importance of his message. “We’ve got to be laser focused on combat proficiency because the threat is outside the wire right now as we sit here,” he said. “They are sizing us up, looking for weaknesses in our lines; what we want them to determine is that we are just too hard a target to penetrate.
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“So we’re going to build on our progress from The Year of the Defender to focus on how elite Defenders fit into a layered defensive network,” he said. Our Defenders should be looking at the entire integrated base defense network that included sensors well beyond that fence line to get a sense of the operational environment.”
“Every Defender should be connected; A walking server, a node in a network that senses and shares data and communications at the speed of relevance against the threat.”
Goldfein went on to define what some current and future threats look like. “So now it’s time to prepare for the next attack that will likely include cyber operations, hybrid warfare, Special Forces and enemy drones.”
“It’s your creativity, your ingenuity, your innovations and your courage that are going to help us prepare for that fight,” he added.
“This is one thing I can look at each and every one of you in the eye tonight with absolute clarity, we have from this moment until that fight starts to get our forces ready,” he said. “And we should treat every week as the last week of peace, and an absolute blessing.”
Goldfein closed by addressing Defenders in the audience. “So to our Defender team here tonight past and present, and your justifiably proud families,” he said. “What an honor it is for me to be part of this special evening, I could not be prouder to serve with each of you as your chief when our country needs us most.”
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AFSFA Chapter Awards Program Begins!Encouraging Excellence by Recognizing Superior PerformanceBy...
Defender Aids Local Cop in Arrest
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Ruiz, Sartain Remembered by Defenders, Senior Leaders
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SF Magazine Jul-Sep 2020
- Flexibility is Key to Battling Coronavirus
- Air Force Awards Contract for Improved Female Body Armor
- National Museum of the U.S. Air Force to Reopen 1 July
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