

                    Gold Supporters


                    Silver Supporters



                    The ACM Hypertext Conference is the main venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on "linking." The Web, the Semantic Web, the Web 2.0, and Social Networks are all manifestations of the success of the link.

                    The Hypertext Conference provides the forum for all research concerning links: their semantics, their presentation, the applications, as well as the knowledge that can be derived from their analysis and their effects on society.

                    Hypertext 2008, held in Pittsburgh, was a real success. The number of submissions and attendees was up, a successful Student Research Competition took place, and a rejuvenated social linking track added new ideas and connections to the traditional core of the conference.

                    Hypertext 2009 will feature papers, tutorials, and demos in all areas of hypertext, hypermedia, and social networks, including but not limited to traditional areas related to hypertexts and the Web, as well as emerging linking technologies and analytical frameworks, such as adaptive hypermedia, recommender systems, and complex networks models.

                    The attendees of Hypertext 2009 will also have a chance to experiment with applications mixing real-world data and on-line data. We will deploy active RFID tags in the badges of volunteers and run a data collection platform tracking the real-time relations of physical proximity between the attendees. The data collection and visualization systems will be provided by the SocioPatterns project and will expose API methods that allow developers to mash up real-world links between the attendees with other types of linking information from the Web.

                    Hypertext 2009 will be held from June 29th to July 1st at the Villa Gualino Convention Centre, on the hills overlooking Torino.

                    Plan to attend Hypertext 2009 in Torino, after the next User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP) conference in Trento and the next International Workshop and Conference on Network Science (NetSci) in Venice.