The Code Green Campaign® is a first responder oriented mental health advocacy and education organization. Also known as Code Green, we serve all types of first responders. This includes firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, dispatchers, police, corrections, air medical, and search & rescue. Our name is a combination of the color for mental health awareness (green) and the “code alerts” used in emergency servicessunbet官网开户代理下载_sunbet官网开户代理下载下载 ...:今天 · sunbet官网开户代理下载 怪物蜘蛛与现代蜘蛛不同,这四只保存在一亿年前琥珀化石中的蜘蛛,除了近三毫米的体长外,都有一条细长的尾蜥,尾蜥是身体的1.5倍长,具有七十多节,而且每一节都有一圈细长的肛毛。 sunbet官网 首页 益生菌是当下的“网红”产品,但目前并没有证据证明它能提升宝宝 ...
Bring awareness to the high rates of mental health issues in first responders and reduce them. Eliminate the stigma that prevents people from admitting these issues and asking for help. Educate first responders on self care and peer care and advocate for systemic change in how mental health issues are addressed by618ip代理官网.
Our Goals
Our main goals as an organization are to improve mental wellness for first responders also to reduce barriers to accessing mental health care. We have multiple smaller goals that we focus on as part of fulfilling our larger organizational goals. Some of our more focused goals inclde:
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- Providing education about the signs and symptoms of the mental health issues that first responders experience.
- Increasing access to culturally competent mental health resources.
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- Reducing unnecessary organizational and operational stressors.
- Suicide prevention and postvention.
Our History
Our Accomplishments:
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We have a semi-regular column on EMS1, the largest EMS related news website.
Increased reporting of public safety suicides by 100%, leading to a better understanding of the core issue
Created a first-of-its-kind database of first responder oriented mental health resources.
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Provide financial assistance to first responders who need help paying for mental health care.
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